The foundation of our governance, outlining the roles, responsibilities, and principles that guide our mission to serve and support peace officers and their communities.




This organization shall be known as the Asian American Peace Officers’ Association (AAPOA)
To promote a positive image of law enforcement in the State of Texas, especially in the Asian American communities.  To achieve this goal, the organization will participate in various endeavors beneficial to law enforcement agencies and the communities in which its members serve.
The following are the primary objectives of the organization:
A.    To establish and maintain lines of communication between Asian American officers and the heads of local law enforcement agencies and their command staff.
B.    To improve the lines of communication between Texas’ Asian American communities and the various law enforcement agencies;
C.    To promote the recruitment of Asian Americans into law enforcement careers and to provide positive role models
D.   To actively participate in crime prevention and youth development programs in the 
Asian American communities;
E.    To provide scholarships for Asian American candidates who seek a career in law enforcement or related fields;
F.    To assist and counsel in the career development of Asian American officers employed within the State of Texas; and
G.   To develop camaraderie among members and law enforcement officers through planned social events.
There shall be four categories of members: 
A)            Regular members
B)            Associate members
C)            Honorary members
D)            Corporate members
A.  Regular members
1 Regular members shall include all sworn law enforcement officers employed by a law enforcement agency, retired Peace Officers in good standing (i.e., honorable discharge), or verified federal agents.  Reserved Officers who are TCOLE certified are considered regular members.
1 An applicant for regular membership must be sponsored by a regular member.
2 Each prospective regular member shall be introduced at a general membership meeting by his / her sponsor.
3 A prospective regular member shall be admitted as a regular member upon approval by a majority of the Executive Board and by a 2/3 vote of a quorum at a closed meeting.
4 Only regular members who are current in their dues may vote on an issue presented before the general membership.
B.  Associate Members
2 A person interested / or in the field of law enforcement and who desires to further the objectives of this organization may be admitted as an associate member.
3 Detention Officers employed by a Sheriff’s Office within the State of Texas.
4 Civilian employees employed by a police/sheriff/constable agency.
5 An applicant for associate membership must be sponsored by a regular member.
6 Each prospective associate member shall be introduced at a general membership meeting by his / her sponsor.
7 A prospective associate member shall be admitted as an associate member upon approval by a majority of the Executive Board and by a 2/3 vote of a quorum at a closed meeting.
8 Associate members may not vote on issues put before the general membership, unless provided for by these bylaws or as agreed to by a majority vote of the regular membership in attendance at a regular monthly meeting.  Further, associate members may vote on issues that directly affect the associate members or where the issues require the associate members’ approval, as determined by the Executive Board of the organization.
C.  Honorary Members
1 A prospective honorary member shall be nominated by a regular member.
2 Honorary membership shall be given upon approval by the Executive Board and a 2/3 approval vote of the regular members.
D. Corporate Members: Persons or Organizations who are donors of funds, time, or other tangible assets to the Organization to advance and improve the police profession, may be invited by the Board of Directors to become sustaining members of this Organization under such rules as the Board may establish. If the invitation is accepted, such membership shall be with all privileges except that of holding office and voting.
D.  Dues
All regular and associate members shall pay their dues yearly for each fiscal year of the organization.  The fiscal year of the organization shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each year, unless otherwise agreed to by a majority of the regular members.  The dues amount shall be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
E.  Disqualification
Associate and regular membership in the organization shall be subject to cancellation or termination upon a finding by the Executive Board of misconduct or behavior detrimental to the objectives and goals of this organization.  Dismissal shall be decided by a 2/3 vote of the regular membership.
F.  Membership Duties and Responsibilities
1 All members shall make a good faith and reasonable effort to attend all regular general membership meetings.
2 No member shall represent AAPOA to any other organization, employee group, or the public as representing AAPOA without prior approval of the Executive Board.
3 No member shall enter into or obligate AAPOA into any contract or service without prior approval of the Executive Board.
4 Any member who violates any of these provisions of the by-laws may be censured or removed from AAPOA.
5 A member may be removed from the organization for gross misconduct or engaging in activities harmful to the organization.  The removal shall take place at a general membership meeting.
The Board of Directors
The organization shall have the following officers, each of whom shall be a regular member, to serve on the Board of Directors and who are elected by the general membership.  All of the elected officers named and described in this article shall constitute the Board of Directors of this association.  Said board shall be the governing body and shall have legal custody, control, and management of all funds, property, and effects of this association, except those powers of control and management vested in the membership as defined in Article VII.
It shall be the duties of the Board of Directors to conduct, manage, govern, execute and administer all of the affairs of this association; to control and supervise the handling of all of its funds and property; to cause to be kept a complete record of all meetings and acts; to supervise all officers and employees of this association and to see that their duties are properly performed, and to pass upon all matters pertaining to the affairs of this association.  Provided, however, that the Board of Directors shall be guided according to the passage or non-passage of any matter voted on by the membership as set forth in Article VII.
The Board of Directors consists of:
A.   President:  The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the general membership and the Executive Board.  The President shall represent the organization in public and official functions except otherwise provided by these bylaws.  The President shall form such ad hoc committees as he/she determines is reasonable and necessary to carry out the objectives of the organization.
B.    Vice President:  The Vice President shall assist the President and shall preside at general membership meetings and Executive Board meetings in the absence of the President.
C.    Secretary:  The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the general membership and Executive Board meetings.  The Secretary shall be entrusted with the records of the minutes of the organization, and shall have ready information for the members and the officers of the organization on the decisions of the organization.  The Secretary shall provide full copies of the general membership minutes to the President and all members.
D.   Treasurer: The Treasurer shall care for and manage the funds of the organization and shall make financial reports to the general membership semi-annually.  He or she shall keep all financial records current and provide the Executive Board with interim reports, as called upon.  Any disbursement at or over $50.00 shall require an email notification to the Treasurer, President and Vice President and must be related to AAPOA activities. The Treasurer shall perform any other duties as prescribed by the President and the Board of Directors. All checks, drafts, and notes of this organization shall be signed by the Treasurer. In instances the Treasurer is unable to sign, the President shall sign. In instances the President is unable to sign, the Vice-President shall sign.
E.    Community Liaison:  Assist the Executive Liaison and Outreach Committees in reaching out to the communities to promote cooperation between the communities and AAPOA.
F.    Directors:  It shall be the duties of the Board of Directors to conduct, manage, govern, execute and administer all of the affairs of this association; to control and supervise the handling of all of its funds and property; to cause to be kept a complete record of all meetings and acts; to supervise all officers and employees of this association and to see that their duties are properly performed; and to pass upon all matters pertaining to the affairs of this association.  Provided, however, that the Board of Directors shall be guided according to the passage or non-passage of any matter voted on by the membership as set forth in Article VII.
The President and Vice President shall consist of Officers from two different agencies to ensure diverse representation.
G.   EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – The Executive Director will be appointed at the direction of the President with the approval with a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director will serve at the direction of the President and can be removed without cause at any time with the approval of the board of directors.
H.   Retirees Liaison – This position will be held by a retired Officer.  This position is responsible for liaison with retired officers, communities or other duties as requested by the Board of Directors or President.
Advisory Board consists of members who are appointed by the Board of  Directors who lend their skills, guidance, and knowledge to an organization.  Below are three Advisory Board positions:
A,  Business Liaison –  this position will be held by someone who is a Corporate Member and responsible for liaison with corporates or businesses.
B. Social Media Strategist – responsible for posting social media about AAPOA activities, events.
C.  Promotion Mentor – responsible for assisting AAPOA members in taking promotional exams.
Election of Officers
A.  Election of Officers
1 Any regular member who is in good standing can run for office.
2 Annual elections shall be held in November of each year, unless an election is held for the purpose of filling a vacancy pursuant to Article VI, Section B.2.  Candidates must declare their intention to run for a specific position no less than one general membership meeting before the date of the election.
3 Balloting shall be by secret ballot.
4 Only regular members who are current in their dues may vote.
5 Only regular members who are current in their dues may be elected to an office.
6 Newly elected officers shall assume their office in January of the new year.
7 Officers will serve a two-year term with a limitation of three terms.
8 Election will be held on every odd year.
9.     No Candidate shall run for more than one elected office within the same General Election.
10.  The organization’s Secretary will be responsible for validating all Candidates and shall provide the Board of Directors with a valid list of eligible Candidates and the Elected Office they are seeking. 
B.  Unexpired Terms of Office
1 Requests for resignation of an office shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board at its regular meeting.
2 Any office vacated by resignation, removal, or otherwise, shall be filled by appointment by the President if the remaining term of the office is six months or less.  If the remaining term is more than six months, the vacated position shall be filled by election pursuant to Article VI, Section A.  If the President’s office is vacated, the office will be filled by an election pursuant to Article VI, Section A.
3 An officer of the organization may be presented to the general membership for removal from office if the officer misses one-half of the scheduled meetings or is not fully performing his/her duties as described in the by-laws
4 A removal shall take place upon a vote at a regular meeting, by a 2/3 vote of the general membership, and after charges have been presented to the membership against the officer.  The officer shall have the opportunity to examine and answer the charges.
5 An officer may be removed from office for misuse of the organization’s monies or for engaging in activities harmful to the organization.  The removal must be carried out using the procedures set forth in Article VI, Section B. 3.
A.  Regular Meetings
      1.  The regular general membership meetings shall be held on the last Friday of the month    unless otherwise scheduled by approval of a majority of the  Executive Board.
      2.  Issues affecting the general membership shall be addressed, discussed and voted upon by
           all regular members in attendance at general membership meetings.
      3.  A membership meeting shall be considered legally held and with a proper quorum if it is
           attended by at least ¼ of the total regular members.
      4.  An Executive Board decision may be overturned by a majority vote of the members at a
           membership meeting with a proper quorum.
B.  Executive Board Meetings
1.     The Executive Board shall meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00PM or
 as set by the Executive Board.
      2.  A meeting of the Executive Board shall be considered to have a quorum if at least a
           majority of the officers are present.
      3.  Only members of the Executive Board shall be eligible to vote on recommendations
           during Executive Board meetings.
      4.  The Executive Board shall be allowed to make general business decisions for the
C.  Meeting Changes
      Emergency meetings of the general membership may be called as necessary, as determined
      by the Executive Board.
A.  Executive Liaison – The committee shall:
      1.  Maintain liaison with the heads of the various law enforcement agencies to insure
           organizational / departmental objectives and concerns are met by both parties;       
      2.  Maintain liaison with Asian American leaders to promote open lines of communication
           between the Asian American communities and law enforcement;
      3.  Maintain liaisons with political officials; and
      4.  Handle all major news media releases.
B.  Outreach – The committee shall:
      1.  Formulate, implement and participate in events for Asian American recruiting;
      2.  Maintain a list of Asian American officers to attend various recruiting functions;
      3.  Responsible for disseminating information to the media, the community, and other
           appropriate entities regarding the organization’s programs and activities.
4.  Provide education of crime prevention and delinquency programs to the Asian American
5.  Recruit qualified person into the organization; and
6.   Implement and maintain a mentor program which would assist an eligible cadet through
      the hiring and training process.
C.  Management – The committee shall:
      1.   Assist in maintaining a current roster of members;
      2.   Encourage all members to attend meetings;
      3.   Distribute membership cards; and
      4.   Maintain organizational scrapbook containing historical documents, newspaper clippings,
 and other information relating to and of interest to the organization.
D.  Financial Review and Fund Raising – The committee shall:
1.  Facilitate and organize fundraising events;
2.   Conduct an annual audit of the organization’s financial records, due December 31;
3.  Review expenditures and make recommendations of fiscal policies; and
4.   Report quarterly to the membership the fiscal status of the organization.
The By-laws
A.  These By-laws shall be adopted by 2/3 vote of the regular members.
B.  These By-laws may be amended upon a written request by a regular member and approval of
the 2/3 of the regular membership.
C.  The By-laws with new amendments shall be maintained by the Parliamentarian and shall be
made available to all members.
D.  The rules and procedures contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all cases where
there is no conflict with this constitution or by-laws.
Updated February 12, 2023   




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